Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Free Exercises For Premature Ejaculation

There are several exercises that can be practiced daily that will help to prevent premature ejaculation. The first exercise (the male version of the Kegel exercise) is completely discreet and can be done at virtually any time.

The second premature ejaculation exercise is much more time-consuming and involves self-stimulation. This exercise can be practiced with a partner after a certain amount of control has been gained.

These free exercises for premature ejaculation can be performed daily. Within a few weeks of practicing these exercises, a noticeable decrease in premature ejaculation will be noted.

Premature ejaculation exercise 1: flexing the PC muscle

The pubococcygeus muscle (which we will henceforth call the "PC muscle") is shaped like a hammock and stretches from the pubic bone to the coccyx, or vestigial tailbone, at the back of the pelvis. The PC muscle has two major functions: controlling urine flow and orgasmic contractions. When the PC muscle is contracted, the penis will move upward in response.

During orgasm, the PC muscle is responsible for ejaculation. The intense series of pulsations a man feels during orgasm are caused by the PC muscle. (Interestingly enough, women have a PC muscle as well -- which also contracts during orgasms.) These contractions are involuntary.

To help prevent premature ejaculation, the PC muscle should be exercised daily. Exercising the PC muscle is simple. The first step is simply to isolate the PC muscle. This is most easily accomplished during urination. While urinating, attempt to stop yourself in mid-stream. The muscle you tense to accomplish this is the PC muscle.

To exercise, simply practice flexing the PC muscle. Vary this simple flex-and-relax with flex-and-hold. A recommended exercise regimen is:

Within 2-3 weeks of these daily exercises, you will experience the following benefits:
With continued practice, it is possible for some men to delay ejaculation indefinitely and last as long as they want to during sex.

Premature ejaculation exercise 2: the stroking technique

This exercise helps men to prevent premature ejaculation by familiarizing themselves with their bodies and the sensations they experience leading up to ejaculation. This exercise involves masturbation, and some men may be uncomfortable with this. (Note that this is a solitary variation on the Masters and Johnson "start-and-stop" technique.)

Here's how this premature ejaculation exercise works:

Step 1: Stroke yourself
Start by stroking your erect penis with a gentle, up-and-down motion. This is preferred because this sort of stimulation feels the most like actual intercourse. Try not to pay attention to anything but the sensations arising in your penis and pelvis during stimulation.

Step 2: Pay attention to what you feel
As you approach ejaculation, you'll notice the particular sensations you feel. There is a gentle flutter sometimes described as a "tickling" sensation felt just before ejaculation. When you feel this sensation, you'll know that ejaculation is imminent.

Once you recognize the tickling sensation, you can pay attention to the feelings leading up to it. This allows you to focus on the feelings that occur before ejaculation, when it's still possible to slow down and/or stop yourself.

Step 3: Continue to analyze your pre-ejaculation sensations
When masturbating, continue to pay attention to the way your body feels immediately before you ejaculate. Do this for up to one week.

Step 4: Stop and start
Now while masturbating, bring yourself to the brink of orgasm. When you're there, stop stimulating yourself for at least 15 seconds. You'll feel the levels of excitement in your body decrease. Bring yourself to the brink of orgasm again, but don't ejaculate. Continue this for 5-6 repetitions before you let yourself orgasm.

Step 5: Increase the ejaculation delay
As in step 4 above, but continue to increase the number of times you bring yourself to the brink of orgasm before allowing yourself to reach orgasm.

Once you feel comfortable with this routine, you can bring in your partner. You may involve your partner in your exercises, or you may prefer to engage in sex play instead.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008


How to stop premature ejaculation

There's no need to continue to suffer from premature ejaculation. There are several ways to stop premature ejaculation. These range from at-home solutions to over-the-counter products.

A comprehensive course of action to stop premature ejaculation may involve all of the recommendations outlined below. Also remember that a visit to your doctor may be in order. Your doctor may be able to make recommendations much more specific to your lifestyle and family history, and give you a comprehensive course of action for how to stop premature ejaculation.

How to stop premature ejaculation: physical methods

There are three simple physical methods that can be used during intimacy to help forestall premature ejaculation. One of these methods may prove more successful than the others, so men should be willing to try each of these three methods to determine which helps them stop premature ejaculation.

1. The pull

A simple solution to premature ejaculation. Immediately before orgasm, a man's testicles retract slightly up, toward the body. Ejaculation can be delayed by gently grasping the testicles and pulling the downward, back toward their normal position.

Please note that this premature ejaculation solution, like the squeeze-and-stop method below, works best if both partners are trained in its use.

2. The squeeze-and-stop

Pioneered by early sexologists Masters and Johnson, the squeeze-and-stop method of stopping premature ejaculation requires the cooperation of both partners. When the male partner feels himself nearing ejaculation, both partners stop engaging in sexual activity. The man squeezes his tightly, just under the glans. This will not only prevent ejaculation but will also cause the man to partially lose his erection.

After a calm-down moment, intimacy can recommence. But when the man nears ejaculation, again the partners stop and the man should squeeze his penis until the imminent ejaculation is postponed.

The purpose of this set of exercises is to train men to recognize the sensations of his body and to delay ejaculation until he and his partner are ready for it.

3. Prostate push

Another simple physical technique, the prostate push is easily accomplished by either partner during intercourse.

Before a man ejaculates, his prostate gland moves slightly downward, toward the floor of the pelvis. By gently pressing on the perineum (the strip of spongy tissue between the testicles and the anus) about 2/3 of the way toward the anus, the prostate can be nudged back into its non-ejaculatory position. This creates an immediate reduction in the urgency of ejaculation and can be repeated as necessary. Additionally, it's much easier to perform than either of the other premature ejaculation solutions above.

Stop premature ejaculation with desensitizing creams

Men around the world use desensitizing creams to stop premature ejaculation. These creams are available over-the-counter, they work fast, and deliver exceptional results.

In our practice we recommend the desensitizing cream Climaxagen to men who complain of premature ejaculation. It uses top-quality ingredients and does not affect the partner's experience (some desensitizing creams have the unwanted side effect of rendering a woman's vagina numb).

If you're seeking a way to stop premature ejaculation, we recommend learning to use the techniques outlined above and combine these with a top-quality desensitizing cream like Climaxagen. This combination will work for you.

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Monday, November 10, 2008


Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is by far the most common of all sexual dysfunctions among young men. Among men under 40, premature ejaculation is reported nearly universally at one time or another. The clinical diagnosis of premature ejaculation is confined to an occurrence during 50% or more sexual encounters.

The prevalence of premature ejaculation in American men is reported as high as 70%.

What is premature ejaculation?

The definition of premature ejaculation varies from man to man. This is because important factors vary greatly. For example, a man who reaches climax in 4 minutes, but whose partner achieves orgasm in 2 minutes, may not consider himself to be suffering from premature ejaculation.

On the other hand, a man who can last 30 minutes during sex but whose partner requires at least 35 minutes of stimulation may consider himself a premature ejaculation patient.

Because sexual relationships are so variable, the clinical definition of premature ejaculation is relative to the individual. Fifty percent or greater premature ends to sexual encounters is used as the standard clinical definition of this condition.

Premature ejaculation causes

The causes of premature ejaculation can be sorted into two categories: primary, or related to a general medical condition (secondary). Tertiary causes are substance-induced, and while some substances (including prescription medications and other drugs) may lead to premature ejaculation these are situational and usually not indicative of a larger issue.

Even primary premature ejaculation is not related to an organic (physical) disorder involving the reproductive system or the brain. Physicians generally classify premature ejaculation as a psychological, rather than a physical disorder. Thus medical treatment involves an extensive research into the patient's (preferably the couple's) sexual history.

The diagnosis of secondary premature ejaculation is nearly always treatable by addressing the underlying medical condition.

Treatments for premature ejaculation

There are three common treatments for premature ejaculation
  • Counseling
  • Sexual therapy
  • Desensitizing cream

There are a variety of proven desensitizing creams available for use. Men in the Far East have treated premature ejaculation with these desensitizing creams for generations. In the United States, no desensitizing creams are currently approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). However several brands are available over the counter and may be recommended as the most straightforward solution.

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